Requesting Materials
Law students, faculty, and staff may place requests for library materials through the catalog. If you cannot locate an item in the catalog or do not see any request options, use the Interlibrary Loan request form to place a request or contact the Law Library Circulation Desk at 480-965-6144.
You must be signed in to your library account in order to view the available request options:
Request ASU Copy
Request items from the Law and ASU Library collections to be held at any ASU library for check out.
- Items on the shelf are typically available within 1-3 business days.
- Items which are checked out may be recalled.
- Requested items are held for 7 days.
- Items in the Study Skills collection can only be requested for pickup at the Law Library.
Request from an External Library
Place an Interlibrary Loan request for items which are unavailable or not owned.
Request Article or Chapter Scan
Request a scan of an article, chapter, or page range from a print resource. Scan requests will be filled subject to copyright compliance.
Scanned documents and pickup notices will be sent via email. View your library account to check the status of your requests.