Teaching Resources
Classroom Instruction
The Reference Librarians are available to provide library instruction to your students. Librarians can provide an overview of legal resources or provide instruction on specific areas of law. Librarians are also available to provide instruction in the effective and efficient use of Lexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law, and a multitude of other research databases including those outside the realm of law. Please contact Tara Mospan to schedule a presentation for your class.
Course Reserves
Books and other library materials may be placed on Course Reserve for use by students in your classes. Physical Course Reserves are located at the Circulation Desk and may be checked out by students for 2 or 4 hours. Electronic reserves may be linked to your course site through Canvas or accessed through ASU Library Reading Lists.
To place personal copies on Course Reserve, bring the items to the Circulation Desk on the third floor. To place library material on reserve, or for questions about Course Reserves, contact Carrie Henteleff.
Past Exams
Releasable exams and sample answers are made available online through the Past Exams database from 2014-. Exams administered prior to 2014 may be available in hardcopy at the Law Library Circulation Desk on the third floor. All past exams are accessible by current Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law students, faculty, and staff only.
For questions concerning the Past Exams database, please contact Carrie Henteleff.
To release your exams for inclusion in the database, please contact Tammy Vavra.
Research Guides and Seminar Guides
Reference Librarians develop research guides on a wide variety of legal topics, with special emphasis on Law Library resources available to College of Law students. Our research guides in the areas of Law and Science, Indian Law, and International Law are especially helpful for classroom support.
We also tailor course-specific guides for all classes through which students can complete the Flexible Writing Requirement or Graduation Writing Requirement. These seminar guides can be found on the Topical Seminar Research Guides page as well as in the subject-specific guides listed on the main research guides page.
Textbook Review Copies
Most legal publishers will provide you with review copies of course textbooks at no cost. The Law Library has prepared a guide for obtaining review copies from various legal publishers.