The collections of the Ross-Blakley Law Library are designed to meet the legal information needs of the faculty and students of the College of Law. We maintain a collection of primary authority and secondary source materials. Some collection emphases include Arizona law, an Indigenous Collection, and a student Study Skills collection. We also have a limited collection of Arizona Supreme Court and Court of Appeals briefs.
The majority of materials in the Law Library have call numbers beginning with the letter K (the Library of Congress classification for Law), and are separated into smaller collections determined by subject or material type. To find materials in the Law Library, it is important to note the collection name as well as the call number when searching the catalog.
If you are unable to locate an item on the shelf, please check with the Circulation Desk on the third floor.
Collection |
Floor |
Arizona Reference | 3 |
Core | 3 |
Course Reserve | 3 |
English Legal History | 4 |
Hirsch Reading Room | 5 |
Indigenous Collection | 3 |
Media | 3 |
Microforms | 3 |
New Books | 3 |
Reference | 3 |
Reserve | 3 |
Stacks, A - KF 299 | 4 |
Stacks, KF 300 - KF 9085 | 5 |
Stacks, KF 9086 - Z | 6 |
State Law | 3 |
Study Skills | 3 |