Printing and Copying
Law Student Printing
Law student computers and printers are located on the third floor across from room 352 and in the student lounge on the sixth floor.
Instructions for wireless printing can be found in Student Resources on IT's website.
Questions about law student printing should be directed to the IT Help Desk in room 261 or 480-965-8181.
Color Printing, Copying, and Scanning
The Canon multifunction copier on the third floor utilizes the Print Anywhere system to provide photocopying and color printing for a fee. Charges for Print Anywhere printing and copying will be applied to your MyASU account. Documents can be scanned free of charge.
Print and copy jobs using Print Anywhere do not count against your law school print allowance.
For instructions on color printing from your mobile phone, tablet, or laptop, visit the Print Anywhere Mobile Printing page.
Copy Center
The College of Law Copy Center is located on the second floor, in room 281.
Microforms Scanning
The microforms scanner is located at the Circulation Desk on the third floor. Documents from microfiche and microfilm can be scanned and saved to a flash drive or emailed. Printing is not available from the microforms scanner.