Research and Current Awareness
Faculty Services
The Ross-Blakley Law Library strives to provide the highest level of support to its faculty. We provide access to information resources including books, articles, and databases, research support for your scholarly endeavors, classroom instruction, and training for research assistants. To welcome you and facilitate your access to the resources and services you need, Associate Director Tara Mospan will contact you as soon as you arrive at the College, or sooner if we know your location or know you wish to begin work prior to the beginning of the semester. At your first meeting, the Associate Director will provide you with information about our services, familiarize you with our collections, request information about your current scholarship agenda and teaching assignments, and provide you with passwords for access to Westlaw, Lexis, Bloomberg Law, and CALI.
Please reach out to Associate Director Tara Mospan with any research or information requests, research assistant training requests, or classroom instruction requests.
Below is information on a few additional Law Library research and current-awareness specific services with contact information for the individual who can best support you in accessing the service. You can also submit requests and questions on any topic via the online Ask a Law Librarian form.
Book Purchase Requests
The Law Library tries to do everything possible to anticipate your research and information needs. If there is a title you will need for an extended time for your research or that you believe should be added to the Law Library collection, please contact Library Director Beth DiFelice.
Current Awareness
The Law Library maintains a list of subject-area interests for all faculty and frequently forwards alerts of new law review articles to interested faculty. To be added to the subject-area list, please contact Library Director Beth DiFelice.
Another excellent current awareness resource is CILP, the Current Index to Legal Periodicals. CILP is a weekly service from HeinOnline that indexes the most recent issues of American law journals by subject. Over 650 journals are indexed in the CILP platform, which organizes content into 104 subject headings. The service's SmartCILP feature allows subscribers to receive content tailored to chosen subjects and journals.
You can subscribe to SmartCILP by clicking on the "Create new SmartCILP User" tab in HeinOnline's CILP library and following the prompts.
Document Delivery
Requests for books, articles, chapter scans, and other library resources can be submitted to lawill@asu.edu or through the Ask a Law Librarian form.
Books will be checked out to your library account and placed in your faculty mailbox. Documents will be delivered by email as attached pdf files. Please contact Carrie Henteleff if you have questions about a request.
Legal Research Databases
For assistance in setting up your Westlaw, Lexis, or Bloomberg accounts, or if you have questions about the databases and their use, please contact the Law Library at Ask a Law Librarian.