Borrowing Library Materials
Law faculty requests for books, articles, chapter scans, and other library resources can be submitted to lawill@asu.edu or through the Ask a Law Librarian form.
Staff will retrieve items from the Law Library collection and request material from ASU Library on your behalf. Requested books will be checked out to your library account and placed in your faculty mailbox. Documents will be delivered by email as attached pdf files.
Items not available through the Law or ASU libraries will be processed as interlibrary loan requests or evaluated for purchase.
If you have questions about your library account or requests, please contact Carrie Henteleff.
Renewals for eligible items will be automatically processed five days before the due date and are unlimited. Automatic renewals cannot be processed if your borrowing privileges have been suspended due to expired registration or fines over $25.
Interlibrary loan books are not automatically renewed. To request a renewal for an ILL, please use the ILL Renewal form.
Law Library materials checked out to law faculty will not be recalled, but we may ask you to return a book if it has been requested by another library user.
Books borrowed from ASU Library are subject to recall and late fees if not returned by the new due date. If an item checked out to your account is recalled, you will receive an email alerting you to the change in due date.
Proxy Borrowers
You may authorize another person to check out books in your name by applying for a proxy account. To apply, submit the completed, signed form (PDF) to the Circulation Desk on the third floor or by email to Carrie Henteleff.
You are responsible for all library materials checked out to your library account, including those checked out by proxy.
We have two book return locations for your convenience, on the third and fifth floors. The third floor book return is located at the Circulation Desk. The fifth floor book return is located inside the Hirsch Reading Room. All library books from the Law and ASU libraries can also be returned to any ASU Library.
Law interlibrary loan books must be returned to the Law Library.