Visitor Services
The Ross-Blakley Law Library, located in the Beus Center for Law and Society (BCLS) building, primarily serves the needs of the students and faculty of the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law (COL). Our collections and resources are dedicated to the educational and research pursuits of our students and faculty.
Access to the BCLS building is available to COL students, faculty, and staff. Limited access to the building is also available to attorneys who request access via the online Attorney Visitor Request Form 24-hours in advance. Approved attorney visitors may access the building Monday-Thursday; check-in is available at the BCLS first floor reception desk between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. The Law Library is not open to walk-in visitors but some services, described below, may be available remotely.
Reference Services
Reference librarians are available to answer questions about legal research through our Ask a Law Librarian service. Please see our reference policies for the types of questions we can answer and contact us during reference hours for assistance.
Our librarians have also prepared research guides on a variety of legal topics to assist those conducting legal research.
Local community members may find useful services offered through the Maricopa County Superior Court Law Library. The Superior Court Law Library's collection and service options are aimed at assisting those representing themselves in a legal matter. They have many resources, including case information, court forms, and a Self-Service Center.
Law Library Collection Access
Members of the ASU Community who are not affiliated with the College of Law can access Law Library collections by using the request options in the library catalog. Scanned materials will be sent via email and physical items can be requested for pickup at another ASU Library of your choosing.
Patrons who purchased a Community Card through ASU Library can request circulating law items be sent to another location for pickup by using this form.
Local community members who need to view law library books may be able to use the interlibrary loan services through their local public library.